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NBL Results 2000-01
Men: Conference - Div 1 - Div 2 - Div 3 Women: Div 1 - Div 2
NBL Conference Saturday September 9
Coventry 85-58 Inter-Basket
Plymouth 96-80 Teesside
Solent 97-100 SuttonSunday 10
Manchester 90-66 WorthingSaturday 23
Men's National Trophy - Pool Matches
Teesside 131-85 Birmingham
Cardiff Clippers 88-78 Solent
Inter-Basket 93-80 Coventry
Liverpool 63-105 Manchester
Oxford 91-84 Sutton
Westminster 74-97 KingstonSunday 24
Men's National Trophy - Pool Matches
Reading 70-103 WorthingSaturday 30
Coventry 75-72 Manchester
Sutton 78-58 Inter-BasketMen's National Trophy - Pool Matches
Worthing 113-89 OxfordSunday 1 October
Teesside 110-73 SolentSaturday 7
Men's National Trophy - Pool Matches
Inter-Basket 104-92 Kingston
Liverpool 72-82 Birmingham
Manchester 101-113 Teesside
Oxford 91-77 Worthing
Solent 68-81 Plymouth
Sutton 99-87 Reading
Westminster 63-83 CoventrySunday 8
National Cup Round One
Birmingham 109-61 SolentMen's National Trophy - Pool Matches
Coventry 82-79 Westminster
Reading 83-90 Sutton
Teesside 106-70 LiverpoolSaturday 14
Men's National Trophy - Pool Matches
Coventry 81-92 Inter-Basket
Manchester 96-63 Liverpool
Solent 78-72 Cardiff C
Oxford 80-76 Reading
Teesside 102-83 Birmingham
Worthing 90-89 SuttonSunday 15
Men's National Trophy - Pool Matches
Kingston 71-60 WestminsterSaturday 21
InterBasket 90-93 Teesside
Solent 85-120 Worthing
Sutton 80-91 CoventrySaturday 28
National Trophy - Pool Stages
Cardiff Clippers 58-77 Plymouth
Coventry 91-94 Kingston
Liverpool 93-127 Teesside
Birmingham 72-73 Manchester
Sutton 80-88 Oxford
Westminster 89-82 Inter-Basket
Worthing 88-109 ReadingSunday 29
National Trophy - Pool Stages
Kingston 87-94 Inter-BasketSaturday 4
National Trophy - Pool Stages
Birmingham 102-101 Liverpool
Inter-Basket 92-74 Westminster
Kingston 88-84 Coventry
Plymouth 88-65 Solent
Reading 81-82 Oxford
Sutton 70-82 WorthingSunday 5
National Trophy - Pool Stages
Plymouth 81-70 Cardiff
Teesside 99-93 Manchester OTSaturday 11
Coventry 65-68 Plymouth
Worthing 94-84 Inter-BasketSunday 12
Teesside 88-75 SuttonNational Trophy - Pool Stages
Manchester 113-84 BirminghamSaturday 18
National Trophy - Quarter-Finals
Oxford 109-75 Cardiff
Plymouth 84-108 WorthingSunday 19
National Trophy - Quarter-Finals
Inter Basket 101-90 Manchester 2OT
Teesside 110-94 KingstonSaturday 25
Solent 86-97 Plymouth
Sutton 74-90 WorthingSunday 26
Inter-Basket 83-73 Manchester
Teesside 88-74 CoventrySaturday 2 December
Coventry 86-71 SolentNational Trophy Semi-Finals
Worthing 74-79 Inter-Basket
Oxford 98-107 TeessideSaturday 9
Solent 81-87 Inter-Basket
Worthing 90-87 CoventrySunday 10
Plymouth 113-86 Sutton
Teesside 92-67 ManchesterSaturday 16
Inter-Basket 95-103 Coventry
Sutton 102-77 SolentSunday 17
Manchester 71-79 Worthing
Teesside 92-101 PlymouthSaturday January 6
Manchester 92-68 Coventry
Plymouth 71-72 WorthingSunday 7
Manchester 100-68 SolentNBL Trophy Final (Sheffield Arena)
Inter Basket 58-95 TeessideSaturday 13
Coventry 102-98 Sutton
Plymouth 94-84 Manchester
Solent 86-120 WorthingSaturday 20
Inter-Basket P-P Worthing
Coventry 79-99 Plymouth
Solent 103-109 Manchester
Sutton 86-106 TeessideSaturday 27
Solent 74-84 Plymouth
Worthing 114-93 SuttonSunday 28
Teesside 88-85 Manchester
Worthing 92-98 PlymouthSaturday 3 February
Solent 85-72 Coventry
Sutton 71-74 Manchester M
Teesside 84-76 WorthingSunday 4
Plymouth 68-59 InterBasket LondonSaturday 10
Coventry 77-78 Worthing
Manchester 73-86 Teesside
Plymouth 90-62 Sutton
Solent 85-83 Inter-BasketSunday 11
Worthing 82-79 Coventry
Manchester 76-69 SolentSaturday 17
Inter-Basket 83-71 Coventry
Worthing 88-75 Manchester
Solent 94-78 SuttonSunday 18
Plymouth 77-74 TeessideSaturday 24
Coventry 63-84 Manchester
Sutton 71-89 Inter-Basket
Teesside 92-66 Solent
Worthing 97-88 PlymouthSaturday March 3
Inter-Basket 112-109 Teesside
Manchester 76-88 Plymouth
Sutton 75-63 CoventrySunday 4
Solent 106-103 TeessideSaturday 10
Worthing 101-83 Inter-Basket
Sunday 11
Plymouth 97-89 Coventry
Teesside 94-80 Sutton
Inter-Basket 81-85 SolentSaturday 17
Coventry 84-92 Teesside
Inter-Basket 77-66 Manchester
Plymouth 100-85 Solent
Sutton 79-88 WorthingSaturday 24
Coventry 113-105 Solent
InterBasket 93-101 Plymouth OT
Manchester 87-84 Sutton
Worthing 113-114 TeessideSaturday 31
Manchester 71-73 InterBasket
Sutton 68-90 Plymouth
Worthing 87-84 SolentSunday April 1
Worthing 96-111 SolentSaturday 8
Play-offs Round One
Plymouth 98-68 Sutton
Worthing 115-96 Solent
Teesside 86-78 InterBasketSunday 9
Play-offs Round One
Manchester 86-53 CoventrySaturday 15
Play-offs Semi-Finals, 1st Leg
Manchester 89-86 PlymouthSunday 16
Play-offs Semi-Finals, 1st Leg
Teesside 92-86 WorthingSaturday 21
Play-offs Semi-Finals, 2nd Legs
Plymouth 76-66 Manchester Aggregate: 162-155
Worthing 100-81 Teesside Aggregate: 186-173Saturday May 5 (Wembley)
Play-offs Final
Plymouth 83-77 Worthing
NBL Men Division One
Saturday September 9
Cardiff C 85-81 Kingston
Oxford 100-66 Birmingham
Reading 73-43 LiverpoolSaturday 30
Birmingham 94-72 Cardiff
Kingston 81-75 Reading
Liverpool 92-72 WestminsterSaturday 21 October
Birmingham 101-99 Reading
Oxford 99-71 WestminsterSunday 22
Kingston 110-68 LiverpoolSaturday 11 November
Birmingham 92-113 Kingston
Liverpool 70-90 Oxford
Westminster 77-69 CardiffSunday 26
Birmingham 103-93 Liverpool
Cardiff 83-90 OxfordSaturday 2 December
Westminster 93-70 KingstonSunday 3
Reading 87-74 WestminsterSaturday 9
Birmingham 74-101 Westminster
Kingston 64-82 Oxford
Liverpool 73-96 Cardiff ClippersSaturday 16
Kingston 90-60 Cardiff C
Liverpool 79-108 Reading
Birmingham 86-100 OxfordSaturday January 6
Birmingham 79-85 Cardiff
Westminster P-P LiverpoolSunday 7
Reading 104-86 KingstonSaturday 13
Liverpool 81-88 Kingston
Westminster 71-90 OxfordSunday 14
Reading 92-68 BirminghamSaturday 20
Cardiff 74-70 Westminster
Kingston 95-97 Birmingham
Oxford 108-67 LiverpoolSaturday 27
Liverpool 76-88 BirminghamSunday 28
Oxford 89-85 Cardiff
Westminster 92-96 ReadingSaturday 3 February
Kingston 70-77 Westminster
Cardiff 91-78 LiverpoolSunday 4
Reading 80-84 OxfordSaturday 10
Cardiff 83-86 Reading
Oxford 122-80 Kingston
Westminster 93-86 BirminghamSaturday 17
Cardiff 91-87 Kingston
Oxford 124-70 BirminghamSaturday 24
Cardiff 88-83 Birmingham
Kingston 69-72 Reading
Liverpool 81-89 WestminsterSaturday March 3
Kingston 104-92 Liverpool
Oxford 104-78 Westminster
Reading 97-63 BirminghamSunday 4
Oxford 84-75 ReadingSaturday 10
Birmingham 107-83 Kingston
Westminster 78-64 CardiffSunday 11
Reading 91-75 LiverpoolSaturday 17
Birmingham P-P Liverpool
Cardiff 82-100 OxfordSunday 18
Reading 80-59 WestminsterSaturday 24
Liverpool 83-95 Cardiff
Oxford 80-85 Reading
West’ster 96-84 KingstonSunday 25
Reading 92-73 CardiffSaturday 30
Birmingham 80-95 Westminster
Kingston 69-84 OxfordSunday April 1
Reading 86-71 CardiffSaturday 8
Play-offs Round One
Reading 94-70 Liverpool
Westminster 67-74 Kingston
Cardiff 99-75 BirminghamSaturday 15
Play-offs Semi-Finals, 1st Leg
Cardiff 64-83 Oxford
Kingston 76-78 ReadingSaturday 21
Play-offs Semi-Finals, 2nd Leg
Oxford 94-87 Cardiff Aggregate: 178-153Sunday 22
Play-offs Semi-Finals, 2nd Leg
Reading 83-65 Kingston Aggregate: 161-141Saturday May 5 (Wembley)
Play-offs Final
Oxford 82-97 Reading
NBL Men Division Two
September 9
Ealing 70-65 Taunton
North London 87-70 Northampton
South London 105-121 MansfieldSunday 10
Brixton 66-73 NW London
Derbyshire 68-55 SwindonSaturday 23
Ealing 20-0 Mansfield
North London P-P Ware
South London 89-72 NorthamptonSunday 24
Swindon 66-97 Doncaster
Hull 98-67 TauntonSaturday 30
NW London 55-79 South London
Ware 62-67 Derbyshire ArwsSunday 1
Hull 88-81 Mansfield
Northampton 91-77 Doncaster
Swindon A-A Ealing
Taunton 78-51 BrixtonSaturday 7
Men's National Shield - Round One
Birmingham Univ 76-66 Swindon
North London 85-78 South London
Ware 97-59 Colchester
Worcester 102-68 Northumbria Univ
Derby S 68-79 DudleySunday
Men's National Shield - Round One
Barking & Dag’ 67-77 Thames Valley
Bristol 72-76 Doncaster
Derbyshire A 76-50 Northampton
Hull 98-69 Tamar ValleySaturday 14
Doncaster 80-62 NW London
Ealing 104-76 Northampton
Mansfield 74-96 Taunton
North London 88-68 Brixton
South London 80-97 WareSunday 15
Hull 97-51 SwindonSaturday 28
NW London 77-69 Ealing
Swindon 65-79 Mansfield
Ware 97-66 DoncasterSunday 29
Brixton 64-89 Derbyshire
Northampton 86-96 Hull
Taunton A-A North LondonSaturday 4
South London 71-93 EalingNBL Shield - Quarter-Finals
Birmingham U 115-109 North London
Mansfield 115-72 BrixtonSunday 5
Northampton 92-43 Derbyshire ArwsNBL Shield - Quarter-Finals
Hull 83-63 Dudley
Taunton P-P NW LondonSaturday 11
Ealing 80-78 Ware
South London 74-68 Brixton
Derbyshire Arws 82-56 North LondonSunday 12
Hull P-P NW London
Mansfield 89-69 Northampton
Swindon 96-97 TauntonSaturday 18
North London 118-72 South London
NW London 99-94 Mansfield
Ware 116-95 HullSunday 19
Brixton 109-83 Doncaster
Northampton 85-75 Swindon
Taunton 66-82 Derbyshire ArwsFriday 24
Doncaster 66-58 HullSaturday 25
Ealing 74-62 Brixton
Swindon 75-65 NW LondonSunday 26
Doncaster 87-80 North London
Hull 81-72 Ealing
Mansfield 95-98 Ware
Northampton 82-65 Taunton
South London 76-95 Derbyshire ArwsSaturday 2 December
Derbyshire Arws 70-50 Doncaster
North London 80-109 Ealing
NW London 67-71 Northampton
Ware 106-76 SwindonSunday 3
Brixton 51-87 Hull
Taunton 112-72 South LondonSaturday 9
Ealing 81-91 Derbyshire ArwsNBL Shield Semi-Final
Mansfield 98-89 TauntonSunday 10
Doncaster 76-63 South London
Northampton 69-92 WareNBL Shield Semi-Final
Hull 90-91 North LondonSunday 17
Brixton 94-66 Swindon
Derbyshire Arws 80-57 Hull
Taunton 63-60 DoncasterSaturday January 6
Ealing 90-61 Doncaster
Mansfield 74-84 Derbyshire
Ware 98-82 TauntonSunday 7
Hull 80-70 South London
Northampton P-P Brixton
Swindon 74-100 North LondonSaturday 13
Mansfield 98-67 South London
North London 85-82 Ware
NW London 85-61 BrixtonSunday 14
Hull 76-70 Doncaster
Northampton 66-83 North London
Swindon 60-84 Derbyshire A
Taunton 65-98 EalingSaturday 20
Ealing 76-68 Hull
Mansfield 73-63 Doncaster
North London v NW London
South London 58-86 Swindon
Ware 105-86 BrixtonSunday 21
Brixton 68-86 Ware
Derbyshire Arws 106-45 Northampton
Doncaster 72-73 MansfieldSaturday 27
Mansfield 81-95 Ealing
NW London 74-105 Derbyshire ArwsSunday 28
Northampton 93-71 South London
Doncaster 91-68 Swindon
Taunton 85-103 Hull
Ware 83-88 North LondonSaturday 3 February
Ealing 148-59 Swindon
Mansfield 78-95 Hull
Derbyshire Arws 96-69 WareSunday 4
Brixton 80-96 Taunton
Doncaster 66-39 Northampton
Swindon 70-77 South LondonSaturday 10
NW London A-A Doncaster
Ware 97-82 South LondonSaturday 17
Ealing 99-66 NW London
Mansfield 79-72 Swindon
North London 93-54 Taunton
Doncaster 81-88 WareSunday 18
Derbyshire Arws 113-84 Brixton
Hull 83-73 NorthamptonSaturday 24
North London 69-94 Derbyshire Arws
NW London 61-68 Hull
Ware 77-89 EalingSunday 25
Brixton 99-84 South London
Northampton 72-75 Mansfield
Taunton 107-58 SwindonSaturday March 3
Mansfield 66-86 NW LondonSunday 4
Derbyshire 91-58 Taunton
Doncaster 80-73 Brixton
Hull 92-80 Ware
Swindon 112-63 N’hamptonSaturday 10
Nth London 77-82 Doncaster
Ware 99-69 Mansfield
Derbyshire 93-65 Sth London
Hull 60-71 NW LondonSunday 11
Brixton 100-64 Ealing
Taunton 78-65 N’hamptonSaturday 17
Ealing 95-88 Nth London
Sth London 76-91 Taunton
Mansfield 66-85 BrixtonSunday 18
Doncaster 54-84 Derbyshire
Hull 93-74 Brixton
North’ton 66-54 NW London
Swindon 75-101 WareFriday 23
Ware 92-91 NW LondonSaturday 24
Nth London 74-63 Hull
Sth London v Doncaster
Ware 106-63 N’hampton
NW London 87-73 TauntonSunday 25
Derbyshire 102-98 Ealing
Taunton 68-69 NW London OTNBL Shield Final (Worcester)
Mansfield 65-83 N LondonSaturday 30
Ealing 119-65 Sth London
Mansfield 106-85 Nth London
NW London 84-73 WareSunday April 1
Doncaster 68-67 Taunton
Hull 79-81 Derbyshire
Swindon 80-85 Brixton
NW London 79-72 North LondonSaturday 8
North L 82-58 Swindon
South L P_P Hull
Derbyshire 103-88 NW LondonSunday 9
Brixton 72-83 Northampton
Derbys Arws 98-80 Mansfield
Doncaster 87-94 Ealing
Taunton 75-100 WareSaturday 15
Play-offs Round One
Derbyshire 93-68 Mansfield
Ealing v TauntonSunday 16
Play-offs Round One
Hull 86-82 N London
Ware 92-54 DoncasterSaturday 21
Play-offs Semi-Finals
Derbyshire 83-78 Hull
Ealing 86-75 WareSaturday 28
Play-Off Final (Queens Park)
Derbyshire 81-82 Ealing
Saturday September 9
Colchester 83-88 Northumbria
Dudley 65-74 Bristol
Tamar Valley 80-95 BarkingSunday 10
Bristol 70-56 WorcesterSaturday 23
Birmingham 61-102 Worcester
Dudley 83-80 Nottingham
Derby Storm 61-75 BarkingSunday 24
Bristol 68-78 Thames Valley
Nottingham 87-48 NorthumbriaSaturday 30
Barking 69-64 Colchester
Birmingham 71-62 Dudley
Thames Valley 98-51 Tamar Valley
Worcester 68-50 DerbySaturday 14
Birmingham U 96-93 Thames Valley
Colchester 69-81 WorcesterSunday 15
Bristol 74-68 Brighton
Nottingham 62-60 BarkingSaturday 28
Barking 72-69 Birmingham U
Brighton 108-100 Tamar Valley
Colchester 102-94 Dudley
Northumbria 74-79 Bristol
Worcester 76-63 NottinghamSaturday 4 November
Brighton 99-76 Derby
Dudley 63-54 Barking
Tamar Valley 72-93 WorcesterSaturday 11
Barking & Dag’ 63-53 Northampton
Birmingham U 101-99 Brighton
Colchester 70-109 Thames Valley
Derby 46-80 Nottingham
Tamar Valley 52-96 BristolSunday 12
Bristol 49-43 Dudley
Worcester 67-57 BirminghamSaturday 18
Derby 58-75 Dudley
Thames Valley 89-74 NottinghamSunday 19
Barking 72-75 Worcester
Bristol 79-53 Birmingham U
Northumbria 98-85 Tamar ValleySaturday 25
Dudley 79-67 Thames ValleySunday 26
Birmingham U 88-81 Tamar Valley
Bristol 91-56 Derby
Colchester 83-126 Brighton
Worcester 79-50 Northumbria USaturday 2 December
Brighton 91-100 Nottingham
Dudley 63-93 Worcester
Tamar Valley 72-81 Derby StormSunday 3
Barking 76-79 Thames Valley
Bristol 92-67 ColchesterSaturday 9
Brighton 79-82 Dudley
Colchester 72-84 Tamar Valley
Derby Storm 76-83 Birmingham U
Thames Valley 67-66 WorcesterSunday 10
Nottingham 64-71 BristolSaturday 16
Birmingham U 94-90 Colchester
Brighton 78-88 Barking
Derby S 51-86 Northumbria
Tamar Valley 67-76 NottinghamSaturday January 6
Colchester 93-89 Derby Storm
Tamar Valley 70-113 Dudley
Thames Valley 89-81 Northumbria
Worcester 96-64 BrightonSunday 7
Bristol 73-64 BarkingSaturday 13
Barking 79-87 Tamar Valley
Northumbria 103-81 Colchester
Dudley 80-75 Birmingham U
Thames Valley 75-72 Brighton
Worcester 79-73 BristolSaturday 20
Birmingham U 77-75 Barking
Brighton 89-78 Thames Valley
Colchester 79-84 Nottingham
Worcester 93-83 Tamar ValleySunday 21
Bristol 81-69 Northumbria
Nottingham 76-71 DudleySaturday 27
Barking 79-63 Derby Storm
Dudley 92-69 Colchester
Northumbria 83-72 Nottingham
Thames Valley 56-72 BristolSunday 28
Tamar Valley 70-83 Birmingham USaturday 3 February
Brighton C 85-73 Northumbria Uni
Colchester 79-101 Barking & Dagenham
Tamar Valley 80-108 Thames Valley
Derby Storm 51-68 WorcesterSaturday 10
Barking 79-66 Nottingham
Brighton 72-82 Bristol
Dudley 84-62 Derby
Worcester 108-85 ColchesterSaturday 17
Barking 77-103 Bristol
Northumbria P-P Dudley
Tamar Valley 96-93 Brighton
Derby Storm P-P Thames ValleySunday 18
Nottingham 85-84 WorcesterSaturday 24
Brighton 88-83 Birmingham U
Derby Storm 77-90 Bristol
Dudley 83-78 Tamar Valley
Thames Valley 107-75 Colchester
Northumbria 54-75 BarkingSunday 25
Bristol P-P Tamar Valley
Nottingham 95-60 Birmingham USaturday March 3
Birmingham 74-90 Bristol
Tamar V 78-71 Northumbria
Derby S 52-79 Brighton
Thames V 104-62 Dudley
Worcester 69-63 BarkingSunday 4
Nottingham 81-83 Thames VSaturday 10
Barking 62-91 Dudley
Brighton 113-94 ColchesterSaturday 17
Birmingham U 96-79 Northumbria
Colchester 83-105 Bristol
Dudley 63-73 Brighton
Derby S 80-88 Tamar V
Thames V 93-71 BarkingSunday 18
Nottingham 75-77 BrightonSaturday 24
Birm’ham U 59-75 Derby S
Tamar Valley 90-85 Colchester
Worcester 76-58 Thames VSunday 25
Bristol 71-54 Nottingham
Northumbria 91-76 DudleySaturday 30
Barking 72-62 Brighton
Colchester v Birmingham U
Northumbria 119-111 Derby S
Worcester 95-79 DudleySunday April 1
Nottingham 75-70 Tamar V
Northumbria 83-75 Birmingham USaturday 8
B’ham U 70-72 Nottingham
Brighton 98-101 Worcester
Northumbria 83-92 Thames Valley
Derby Storm 66-63 ColchesterSunday 9
Dudley P-P Northumbria
Nottingham 60-64 ColchesterSaturday 15
Play-offs Round One
Worcester 90-76 BrightonSunday 16
Play-offs Round One
Bristol 77-61 Birm’ham Uni
Nottm SNC 66-71 Thames VSunday 22
Play-offs Semi-Finals,
Bristol 78-63 Dudley
Worcester 67-69 BarkingSaturday 28
Play-Off Final (Queens Park)
Bristol 89-67 Barking
NBL Women Division One
Saturday 23
Doncaster 49-97 Thames Valley
Nottingham 91-38 Northampton
Rhondda 106-42 NW London
Spelthorne 54-60 Sheffield
St Albans 39-69 CoventrySunday 24
Wandsworth 60-55 IpswichSaturday 30
Coventry 48-62 Doncaster
Ipswich 71-56 Spelthorne
NW London 37-99 Nottingham
St Albans 27-76 Sheffield
Thames Valley 69-73 RhonddaSunday 1 October
Northampton 54-86 WandsworthSaturday 7
Ipswich 57-72 SheffieldWomen's National Cup Round One
UWIC Cardiff 72-32 Taunton
Chelmsford 55-67 Brighton
Doncaster 74-65 London Towers
St Alban’s 58-69 Plymouth
Stockport P-P Cardiff CWomen's National Trophy Round One
Sheffield H 74-67 Tyne & WearSunday 8
Women's National Cup Round One
Tyne & Wear 96-77 DerbySaturday 14
Nottingham 51-76 Thames Valley
Rhondda 72-54 Doncaster
Sheffield 61-41 Coventry
St Albans 45-97 Ipswich
Spelthorne 62-39 NorthamptonSunday 15
Wandsworth 105-44 NW LondonSaturday 21
NTL National Cup, 2nd Round
Coventry 79-78 Tyne & Wear
UWIC Cardiff 38-82 Rhondda
Brighton 41-76 Thames Valley
Doncaster 59-86 Sheffield
Ipswich 102-66 Northampton
Nottingham 128-28 Stockport
Spelthorne 116-30 NW LondonWednesday 25
National Trophy - Round One
Rhondda 79-54 TauntonSaturday 28
Coventry 32-96 Rhondda
NW London 34-80 Spelthorne
Thames Valley 66-59 WandsworthSunday 29
Northampton 91-57 St AlbansSaturday 4 November
NTL Cup - Quarter-Finals
Ipswich 76-74 Thames Valley
Nottingham 69-55 Spelthorne
Sheffield 98-68 Wandsworth
Rhondda 79-69 CoventrySaturday 11
Ipswich 89-56 Coventry
Nottingham 80-92 Rhondda
Sheffield 82-41 Northampton
Spelthorne 63-65 Thames Valley
Wandsworth 101-59 DoncasterFriday 17
Doncaster 48-74 NottinghamSaturday 18
Coventry 55-78 Nottingham
Doncaster 60-70 Spelthorne
NW London 50-68 Sheffield
Rhondda 77-55 Wandsworth
Thames Valley 94-40 St AlbansSunday 19
Northampton 67-71 IpswichSaturday 25
Ipswich 69-57 NW London
St Albans 46-60 DoncasterSunday 26
Northampton 71-59 Coventry
Sheffield 59-61 Thames Valley
Spelthorne 63-70 Rhondda
Wandsworth 66-67 NottinghamSaturday 2 December
Coventry 63-72 Wandsworth
NW London 48-66 NorthamptonNTL National Cup -Semi-Finals
Ipswich 72-95 Rhondda
Nottingham 58-83 SheffieldSaturday 9
Ipswich 72-60 Doncaster
NW London 74-68 Coventry
St Albans 50-63 Nottingham
Sheffield 67-77 Rhondda
Spelthorne 50-62 WandsworthSunday 10
Northampton 54-70 Thames ValleySaturday 16
Coventry 53-90 Spelthorne
Doncaster 74-65 Northampton
Nottingham 61-71 Sheffield
Rhondda 72-61 Ipswich
Thames Valley 87-47 NW London
Wandsworth 81-59 St AlbansSaturday January 6
Ipswich 67-61 Nottingham
NW London 55-69 Doncaster
St Albans 43-65 Spelthorne
Thames Valley 104-50 CoventrySunday 7
NTL Cup Final (Sheffield Arena)
Rhondda 66-57 SheffieldSaturday 13
Coventry 73-58 St Albans
Ipswich 76-68 Wandsworth
NW London 31-89 Rhondda
Sheffield 56-68 Spelthorne
Thames Valley 94-45 DoncasterSunday 14
Coventry 49-68 Sheffield
Northampton 49-58 NottinghamSaturday 20
Doncaster 65-47 Coventry
Rhondda 71-77 Thames Valley
Nottingham 75-53 NW London
Sheffield 81-53 St Albans
Spelthorne 63-75 IpswichSunday 21
Wandsworth 73-49 NorthamptonSaturday 27
St Albans 36-63 RhonddaSunday 28
Doncaster 51-65 Rhondda
Northampton 55-68 Spelthorne
Thames Valley 68-56 NottinghamSaturday 3 February
Nottingham 103-35 Doncaster
St Albans 41-73 Northampton
Rhondda 98-42 Coventry
Sheffield 71-53 Ipswich
Spelthorne 84-51 NW LondonSunday 4
Wandsworth 60-75 Thames ValleySaturday 10
Coventry 53-87 Ipswich
Doncaster 49-91 Wandsworth
NW London 63-74 St Albans
Rhondda 84-62 Nottingham
Thames Valley 71-51 SpelthorneSunday 11
Northampton 55-84 SheffieldSaturday 17
Ipswich 79-55 Northampton
Nottingham 114-42 Coventry
St Albans P-P Thames Valley
Sheffield 92-51 NW London
Spelthorne 65-63 DoncasterSunday 18
Wandsworth 73-87 RhonddaSaturday 24
Coventry 52-58 Northampton
NW London 39-74 Ipswich
Nottingham 77-73 Wandsworth
Rhondda 88-65 Spelthorne
Thames Valley 53-70 SheffieldSaturday March 3
Rhondda 110-39 St Albans
Sheffield 75-33 Doncaster
Spelthorne 54-68 Nottingham
Thames V 62-61 IpswichSunday 4
N’hampton 50-56 NW London
Wandsworth 102-49 CoventrySaturday 10
Coventry 65-79 NW London
Doncaster 51-85 Ipswich
Nottingham 96-53 St Albans
Rhondda 61-50 Sheffield
Thames V 72-35 N’hamptonSunday 11
Wandsworth 77-67 SpelthorneSaturday 17
NW London P-P Thames V
St Albans 59-99 Wandsworth
Sheffield 86-77 Nottingham
Spelthorne 81-54 Coventry
Ipswich 68-79 RhonddaSunday 18
Northampton 71-80 DoncasterSaturday 24
Coventry 35-62 Thames Valley
Doncaster 75-86 NW London
Nottingham 80-71 Ipswich
Rhondda 84-50 Northampton
Spelthorne 82-48 St Albans
Wandsworth 63-82 SheffieldSunday April 1
Sheffield 75-66 WandsworthSaturday 8
Play-offs Round One
Rhondda 103-31 Doncaster
Thames V 55-75 Spelthorne
Sheffield 74-67 Wandsworth
Nottingham 102-80 IpswichSaturday 21
Play-offs Semi-Finals
Rhondda 83-73 Ipswich
Spelthorne 72-87 SheffieldSaturday May 5 (Wembley)
Play-offs Final
Sheffield 57-66 Rhondda
NBL Women Division Two
September 23
Chelmsford 56-64 Brighton
Derby 70-32 NW London
Stockport 95-69 Plymouth
Tyne & Wear 95-69 TauntonSunday 24
Tyne & Wear 70-80 Plymouth OTSaturday 30
UWIC - Cardiff 81-56 Tyne & Wear
London T 45-76 Derby
NW London 48-71 Stockport
Plymouth 64-49 Chelmsford
Taunton 67-64 ChelmsfordSaturday 28 October
Brighton 57-61 UWIC
London T 59-62 Chelmsford
Plymouth 64-93 Tyne & WearNational Trophy - Round One
Stockport 62-59 DerbySunday 29
Taunton 52-91 Tyne & WearSaturday 4
National Trophy - Quarter-Finals
Sheffield 42-53 Stockport
UWIC Cardiff 65-55 PlymouthSunday 5
National Trophy - Quarter-Finals
Chelmsford 71-69 Brighton
Rhondda 68-48 London TSaturday 11
Brighton 83-52 Taunton
UWIC Cardiff 47-70 Plymouth
Stockport 63- 56 DerbySaturday 18
Derby 64-62 Chelmsford
London T 59-52 Tyne & Wear
NW London 51-104 UWIC
Plymouth 73-65 BrightonSunday 19
Taunton 57-56 StockportSaturday 25
UWIC - Cardiff 71-60 London TSunday 26
Chelmsford 64-80 Stockport
Plymouth 79-39 TauntonSaturday 2 December
Derby 76-88 Tyne & Wear
London T 55-65 BrightonNational Trophy - Semi-Final
Chelmsford 72-69 UWIC CardiffSaturday 2 December
Derby 76-88 Tyne & Wear
London T 55-65 BrightonNational Trophy - Semi-Final
Chelmsford 72-69 UWIC CardiffSaturday 9
UWIC - Cardiff 63-42 Derby
Plymouth 73-59 London T
Tyne & Wear 101-67 StockportSaturday 16
London T 53-67 Plymouth
Stockport 46-60 UWICSaturday January 6
Brighton 74-57 Stockport
UWIC - Cardiff 92-58 Chelmsford
London T P-P Taunton
Plymouth 66-47 DerbySaturday 13
Brighton 66-50 Chelmsford
London T 58-44 Taunton
Plymouth 56-51 StockportSaturday 20
Chelmsford 52-97 Plymouth
Derby 64-58 London T
Tyne & Wear 83-90 UWICSaturday 27
Brighton 72-74 Tyne & WearSunday 28
London T 58-59 Stockport
Taunton 57-74 UWIC
Chelmsford 61-84 Tyne & WearSaturday 3 February
Chelmsford 54-63 London T
Derby 65-62 TauntonSaturday 10
Derby 71-61 Stockport
Plymouth 82-71 UWIC OTSunday 11
Taunton 66-58 BrightonSaturday 17
Brighton 62-76 Plymouth
Chelmsford 61-71 Derby
Stockport 58-61 Taunton
Tyne & Wear 87-89 London TSaturday 24
Derby 81-63 Brighton
Stockport 64-49 ChelmsfordSunday 25
Taunton 58-73 Plymouth
London T 42-57 UWIC – CardiffSaturday March 3
Brighton 62-50 London T
T & Wear 78-72 DerbySunday 4
Chelmsford 73-97 TauntonSaturday 10
Stockport 59-67 T & WearSaturday 17
Brighton 47-69 Derby
UWIC Cardiff 70-49 StockportSunday 18
T & Wear 102-66 ChelmsfordSaturday 24
Derby 56-75 Plymouth
Stockport 61-63 BrightonSunday 25
Chelmsford 37-58 UWIC
Taunton 61-51 London
T & Wear 83-72 BrightonWomen's National Trophy Final (Ponds Forge)
Chelmsford 63-53 StockportSaturday 8
Play-offs Round One
Plymouth 65-69 Stockport OT
Cardiff 20-0 London TSaturday 21
Play-offs Quarter-Final
Derby 61-54 BrightonSunday 22
Play-offs Quarter-Final
Tyne & Wear 20-0 TauntonSaturday 28
Play-offs Semi-Finals
UWIC Cardiff 59-83 Tyne & Wear
Stockport 69-49 Derby LadiesSaturday May 5
Play-Off Final
Stockport 62-70 Tyne & Wear
Week by Week
ReportsOne - 10/9
Two - 17/9
Three - 24/9
Four - 1/10
Five - 8/10
Six - 15/10
Seven - 23/10
Eight - 30/10
Nine - 5/11
Ten - 11/11
11 - 19/11
12 - 26/11
13 - 3/12
14- 10/12
15 - 17/1216 - 7/1
17 -14/1
18 - 21/1
19- 28/1
20 - 5/1
21 - 12/2
22 - 19/2
23 - 26/2
24 - 5/3
25 - 12/3
26 - 19/3
27 - 26/3
28 - 2/4
29 - 9/4
30 - 16/4
31 - 23/4
32 - 30/4
33 - 6/5
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