The Write Approach to Hoops

Mark Woods is one of the British Isles' most prominent freelance basketball journalists, as well as editing and publishing Britball, the Internet-only magazine which provides the most comprehensive coverage of the sport for the UK and Ireland. The magazine has an estimated monthly readership of over 3,000 worldwide, and is regularly the first to break important stories which affect the game and the people within in it.

Based in Edinburgh, Mark Woods has been involved in basketball writing since 1990, initially supplying "stringer" copy to publications such as The Scotsman, Dundee Courier, Evening Telegraph and the Scottish editions of many of the London broadsheets. Mark provides a news wire service to a range of electronic/Internet services, as well as contributing to MSN, the Microsoft owned information service. Mark also writes features for basketball game programmes and publications such as Slam Dunk, and manages and edits the Internet site of the Basketball Players Association in the UK.

Mark welcomes contact from publications in the UK, Ireland or overseas seeking quality basketball coverage on a contract, syndication or exclusive use basis. Reasonable rates apply and all enquiries welcome.

Phone: (+44 / 0 ) 410 509728

Email: (Full details also in EBA Handbook)


Britball Magazine