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FRONT PAGEBackground Britball.com is one of the British Isles' most prominent on-line sporting publications, setting a trend in its market for both quality and content diversity. Quality coverage brings readers who return again and again and who use Britball as the first point of reference for basketball news.
Established over five years ago, the website is a leader in its market, consistently outperforming the print runs of equivalent paper-based publications on a monthly basis.
Readership, which is independently monitored, has grown on a continuous basis month by month, with a reach both domestically and overseas. In October 2002, the monthly unique individual visitor tally reached 15,045 people.
The accompanying Britball News Wire is distributed free on a daily basis by email to 1000+ subscribers.
Regular surveys enable us to keep in touch with who our readers are..Snap facts about Britball readers (as surveyed)
43% of readers are in the 25-34 age group
83% purchase basketball equipment
85% buy clothing and accessories
52% buy games software
41% subscribe to Sky Sports
42% read Britball.com every day
80% are in the UKReadership for decision makers with the sport and the media which covers it is almost 100%.
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